Green Schools is Ireland’s leading environmental management and education programme for schools. Promoting long-term, whole-school action for the environment, Green Schools is a pupil-led programme with involvement from the wider community. The programme is operated and coordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce. Here in Holy Family Junior School we have a very extensive and active Green schools programme. We are currently working on our eighth Green flag “Marine Environment”.

We are very proud of our pupils and the work they do in our school. They have a great knowledge of the environment and of what it means to be a green school. We are very focused on providing the children with an active hands-on approach to “being green,” as we believe, that by being active participants, they will be more involved and that their experiences will therefore be more meaningful. The children continue to work on various aspects of the first seven flags as well as embracing new ideas each month. At the moment, they are learning about the meaning of being a good citizen through food collections, fundraising, clean ups and reducing the amount of energy we use. We have regular visitors to our school who reinforce what is taught in class and who provide hands on educational experiences for our young children.

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