The children in Holy Family Junior School are becoming skilful in maths by being creative, solving problems and learning in playful ways. They take part in hands on, daily maths lessons in the classrooms which help them to develop an understanding of numbers, shapes, time and money, to name a few areas.  

In trying to make sense of maths, the teachers also use the environment around them, to help to teach ideas and increase the children’s understanding. We are very lucky to have lots of space around our school and the yard is full of painted maths games on the ground and walls to help the children to connect with and make sense of maths.  

Every October, during Maths Week, the children explore the maths trails around the school, inside the building and around the school yard. Parents are invited to help with the trails and activities, as the children explore their own maths learning. The children really enjoy showing all the maths they know to the parents!   

We are lucky that we have two very active Home School Liaison teachers and they encourage the parents to get involved and they come and help out with the Maths’ Trails. It is one of the many activities that the parents of our pupils can be involved in as their child goes through their primary years in Holy Family School.