Music Generation is Ireland’s National Music Education Programme that promises access to high quality performance music education to children and young people in their locality. It creates rich and diverse ways for participants to engage in vocal and instrumental tuition delivered by skilled professional musicians, across all musical genres and styles.

Initiated by Music Network, Music Generation is co-funded by U2, The Ireland Funds, the Department of Education and Skills and Local Music Education Partnerships.

Music Generation believes in the musical potential and innate artistry of every child and young person – that it is every child and young person’s right to have the choice of access and the chance to participate as a musical citizen, and that music doesn’t just change lives, it transforms lives.

Locally, each Music Generation programme is managed by a Local Music Education Partnership, under the leadership of a Music Development Officer. The partnerships are supported and funded by Education and Training Boards, Local Authorities, and a range of local and community organisations.

We have been lucky enough to have had local musicians, artists and performers visit the school and deliver lessons to all classes since the introduction of this programme.

For more information about the music generation programme, click here.