Useful parent information on life in Holy Family Junior School can be found below under the following headings: communication, school hours, school uniform, home-school links, school books, breakfast club, snacks and lunches, health and safety, child protection and attendance.
We hope that by working in partnership with you, the children who come to Holy Family Junior School will be happy and safe and that, through our holistic and child-centred approach to teaching and learning, they will reach their full potential.
Dream – Believe – Flourish – Achieve
Communication and Social Media
Holy Family Junior School uses the Aladdin app to send messages and emails for all general school updates. It can also be used by parents/guardians to inform the school when a pupil is absent. It is vitally important that we have your current mobile number and email address on file. Please check your Aladdin App regularly!
Monthly newsletters are written by the principal – they contain information about school news and events. These letters are sent on the Aladdin app and are also on the school’s website.
Holy Family Junior School also has a Facebook page which is updated regularly with news and activities in the classroom and in school. You can follow the page at:
School Uniform
School Uniform:
– blue top with school crest
– navy tracksuit bottoms and
– white polo shirt
The blue top with school crest is available to purchase from McCannons, The Market, Ennis.
The navy tracksuit bottoms (no leggings), and white polo shirt can be bought in a shop of your choice. Please ensure that there are no logos visible on the navy tracksuit bottoms and white polo shirt.
The Parent’s Association holds a second-hand uniform sale in June – details of this are available close to the time.
Home School Links
Education is a partnership between teachers and parents and Holy Family Junior School is committed to fostering positive links between home and school, to ensure that the best educational experiences are offered to all our pupils. We have two home/school liaison teachers, Darryl Eade and Orla Gannon, who work with parents and will be in contact with you during your time here with us in Holy Family Junior School.
Home School Community Liaison Coordinators Contact Details
Darryl Eade
Phone: 086 6040686
Orla Gannon
Phone: 086 6040686
School Books
From September 2023, schoolbooks, workbooks and copybooks for children in primary schools are provided to every child free by their school. There is no charge to parents/guardians for schoolbooks, workbooks and copybooks, as we receive funding from the Government to cover these costs.
The schoolbooks and workbooks will be on loan to the children. School books will have to be returned to the school at the end of the school year, or if the child leaves the school.
Please click on the link below to view the items you will need to buy for your child along with the other costs you will need to pay as your child begins a new year at school:
Breakfast Club, Snacks and Lunches
Each morning, children are welcome to attend our breakfast club from 8.40am, where they receive a healthy breakfast before they start their day.
Our school is fortunate to be part of a Department Initiative, whereby a healthy morning snack and lunch is provided to each pupil. In August, you will receive information from us about ordering lunch for your child from Carambola, our School Meals Programme Provider.
Please note that we have a healthy eating policy in our school. Crisps, fizzy drinks, sweets and biscuits are not allowed.
When pupils move to the Senior School for second class, they will be able to go to the cafeteria to have a hot lunch every day
Health and Safety
Every effort is made to ensure that the pupils in our care are safe, but sometimes accidents happen or a child may become ill at school. It is vitally important that we have an up to date contact number for parents/guardians in case of an emergency.
A voluntary insurance scheme at a reduced rate for primary school children is available through Allianz. You will receive an application form and more information in September. If you have any health/medical concerns, please inform the class teacher or the principal.
Child Safety Statement and Risk Assessment
Our Child Safety Statement and Risk Assessment is available at reception or on our website. This is reviewed annually by the Board of Management in consultation with the school staff and Parents’ Association. We strongly advise you to read this very important document. If you have any queries, please feel free to make an appointment to discuss them with the principal.
School Attendance
It is very important that your child attends school every day, provided that he/she is well enough to do so. Absence from school upsets a child’s learning and can impact on his/her well-being. When a child is absent, it is very important that you use the Aladdin App, or write a note, or explain to teacher why your child was not at school.
The Education Welfare Act (2002) requires the school to inform the Education Welfare Board when a pupil is absent for more than 20 days in any school year. The Education Welfare Officer visits our school each term to monitor attendance and to support and advise parents of children with attendance difficulties. Ms Mulqueen, Deputy Principal, has responsibility for attendance in our school.
Code of Behaviour
As an ‘Incredible Years’ school, our focus is on positive reinforcement of excellent behaviour through catching the children being good, naming their good behaviour and complimenting them on it. We operate a reward system where good behaviour is acknowledged and we try to ‘catch the children being good’.
Our school rules are very simple and easy for our pupils to understand: use kind words, have helpful hands, feet on the ground, include everybody. This helps to foster a loving and caring environment, where children feel valued and secure.
Our pupils respond very well to this programme, allowing their teachers and the pupils themselves to be able to concentrate on enjoying the teaching and learning in the Holy Family Junior School. All of our staff have trained in the Department of Education and Science recommended ‘Incredible Years’ programme and many have additional training in the World Health Organisation recommended ‘Fun Friends’ programme.
Our Code of Behaviour policy is available on our website and has been designed with the children’s welfare at heart to promote a sense of well-being in a secure and caring environment. We would appreciate if you would take time to read our Code of Behaviour policy. To access the policy, select Our School – School Policies on our website.
Homework provides a link between home and school and reinforces what has been done in the classroom. Every child is expected to complete the homework assigned to him/her. Homework is given Tuesday to Thursday and should be a positive experience for both the child and the parent. If your child is experiencing difficulties with homework, please contact the teacher.